lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

European Elders Gathering 2016

06 March 2016
Dear Peter and other Brothers on this conversation,
Bruno and I had a meeting on Friday, and as I am the host and Bruno a more experienced elder, I believe we will do the organisation.
I have more than 20 years experience organising my own International Retreats and small Festivals so this will not be a problem.
I have already dedicated a couple of hours to designing a flyer (with only the most basic info) and creating a booking button on my website/shop for the €50 deposit etc.
Before you all start asking lists of questions which I would have to answer individually, I am today giving you a clearer picture and more information, which I hope will answer many questions in advance.
I will also create the Event on Facebook, so those of you with a Fb profile or page can participate via the Event Page, share it with your contacts and also invite all the men on your lists to attend.
There are 20 places at the Dome, ( 4 rooms for 4 on adult-size bunks, 1 room for 4 with single beds and 2 double rooms). There are two or 3 country (rural) Inns within walking distance for those who want single rooms and/or a slightly more comfortable room etc. , and
May I suggest that people first book their place via the website BEFORE purchasing their flight, even if it's only a few hours before, so their place can be confirmed.
Those on this e-mail should know the following.
FROM ALICANTE AIRPORT: we strongly recommend you fly to this airport
See the Beniconnect Shuttle direct to our village of Alcalalí for €25: You need your Flight number to book, and you need to book at least 24 hours in advance. 
On the Beniconnect site choose Alicante airport as your starting point, the village of ALCALALÍ as your Destination. You may have to wait for some time at the airport for other flights to come in with more passengers. 
The other option,is a little more more complicated, the Shuttle Bus from the airport into Alicante Centro (Estación Central de Autobuses). At the Central bus station, you get the Valencia bus from ALSA, and get off in the village of Benisa (also spelled Benissa with 2 s's), at the Bar/Restaurante Frau Stop -Parada in Spanish. This is 9km from the Dome and you will need a taxi for the last leg of the trip.
FROM VALENCIA AIRPORT: further and bit more complicated..
METRO (underground train) OR Shuttle bus (every 20 mins approx.) to Central Bus Station (Estación Central de Autobuses). From there take the ALSA bus in the direction Alicante and you get off in the town of Ondara, first stop. (1hr45mins). From there it’s Taxi only, but it’s just 14kms. The other option is a Taxi at around €110 direct from the airport, in which case, it will be cheaper to share.

I attach a FIRST DRAFT of a flyer, although I suggest people go to the event on Facebook (and/or my website when it's ready) to see more details.

Yours in Harmony and Brotherhood
Nestor Solar Eagle